By the time Nathalie Prézeau's popular guide on family outings Toronto Fun Places reached its 5th edition, in 2011, she had to borrow her friends' younger kids to do her research and she admits she was more and more inclined to go out with the girls! Hence Toronto Urban Strolls... for girlfriends 1, also released in 2011.
Her first walking guide made the Globe and Mail's bestsellers list, sold out and it was followed by its second edition AND Toronto Urban Strolls... for girlfriends 2, booth in 2013.

Toronto Urban Strolls... for girlfriends 1
$19.95, 192 pages, full colour
Status: As of June 2020, there are a few copies left at the warehouse, which is why you can still order a copy from Amazon or ask your local bookstore to order it for you. And the publisher still has one box, which is why you can order directly from the publisher. You may contact for shipping or pick-up options (PayPal payments or e-transfers accepted).
About this guide: With 28 Toronto walks, is your best bet
to show off Toronto when you have visitors from out of town. (They are the walks the author would rely on to make her skeptical Montreal friends realize what a great city is Toronto.)

Toronto Urban Strolls... for girlfriends 2
$19.95, 192 pages, full colour
Status: SOLD OUT. The publisher only has a few copies left, which you can order directly. You may contact for shipping or pick-up options (PayPal payments or e-transfers accepted).
About this guide: With 24 additional Toronto walks, no overlap with Toronto Urban Strolls 1. This is the one for those who want to go even more out of the beaten tracks.
Territory covered by Toronto Urban Strolls 1 & 2
(TUS1 in orange, TUS2 in green)